Wreath-a-Palooza 2022!
Thank you for the tremendous support of the PEP Club's biggest fundraiser of the year. This wreath season was a huge success and we sold out completely!
We accept PayPal for online orders and credit cards for in person orders as payment for safe and secure purchases.
Use the "Contact" tab above, email us directly at christmaswreaths@stphil.com or use our NEW chat feature by clicking the "Let's Chat" in the bottom right corner. The elves will respond within 24 hours.
A special thank you to Fr. Woodland, Dr. Morrissette, Mrs. Korzeniecki and our faculty, Kara Montplaisir and our St. Philomena Parish friends for your help and support. Year after year as we raise money for the kids and spread our version of Christmas Cheer!
Our beautiful, fresh Christmas evergreen products are locally grown and offered by Carpinito Brothers in Kent. Thank you Carpinito Brothers!
What's New?
12/13/2021--The 2021 wreath sale is closed. It was a complete sell-out! Prizes for wreaths sold and extraordinary volunteer hours will be announced on email to school families.
12/2/2021--we are sold out of Traditional Round and Centerpieces. Centerpieces and Crosses are still available.
Wreath pick is this Sunday, 12/5 from 12p to 2p. Sign-up links are availabe in your email.
11/27/2021--Wreaths, Crosses, Centerpieces and decorated Wreaths are available this weekend and next after all three weekend Masses!
11/11/21--Last day to order wreaths for pick-up before Thanksgiving is 11/22 at 9pm
First round pick-up is throughout the week of 11/21
Second round pick-up is the weekend of 12/4 - 12/5. Last day to order wreaths is 12/3 at 5pm while supplies last.
Custom Wreaths and raffle tickets will be for sale all day at the Christmas Bazaar on November 20 from 9am to 3pm. Come and at least by your tickets to enter the chance to win the famous Moolah Wreath!
11/2/21--We are maxed on bow makers--Thank you to everyone who came forward to join in bow making!!
We are still in need of large rolls of wired ribbon (any colors) and decorations to adorn the bazaar wreaths
Watch for updates late in the week for additional volunteer opportunities
Prizes are posted below and in our update email today​
Updated sale flyer at the link below--Thank you Arlyce Welsh!
10/21/21--more Center Pieces this year. No Candy Canes.
​Tools You Can Use--click on the buttons below
The Sale Tracker is a downloadable file you can print and use to track your sales.
The Wreath Sale Flyer is a downloadable flier you can print and post to advertise your sale.
​Sale Prizes
Families selling 5 or more wreaths will receive a non-uniform day for each child.
Families selling 10 or more wreaths will receive non-uniform and ice-cream treat at lunch
Families selling 15 or more will receive all of the above and a family movie night at school.
Top 20 sellers will also receive a celebratory lunch with in the Teacher's Lounge.
Top selling family's children win "Lunch with the Principal"!
Volunteers who do not sell enough to earn prizes through sales, but support the school with at least 5 hours during the wreath sale, will earn the non-uniform day and the family movie night.